
In Service-Driven Computing, the client-server architecture describes the relationship of cooperating programs in a distributed application. The providers of a resource or service execute workloads submitted by service requestors. Web service, Grid, and Cloud Computing technologies are based on the client-server architecture. A true service-oriented architecture describes everything, anywhere, anytime as a service for You (EaaaaSY). The SORCER (Service-ORiented Computing EnviRonment) platform provides service-oriented modeling or programming or both (mogramming) environments within its operating system that runs front-end service-oriented mograms and dynamically manages corresponding federations of local and remote service providers. The architecture of SORCER is designed with the focus on service-oriented mogramming, service context-awareness, with its operating system managing everything as a service type (no more static end-point).

Dynamic True Service Orientation for EaaaaSY

SORCER integrates various applications, tools, and utilities (“services”) in complex adaptive environments into one dynamically manageable cloud of services. Additionally, SORCER delivers service-oriented mogramming languages that enable users to flexibly manipulate, according to their needs, interactions of services available within these SORCER service clouds. This way SORCER merges various local/network software systems from different vendors. Thus, complex adaptive interactions of applications, tools, and utilities become easily manageable at runtime with front-end service-oriented scripts. As a result the SORCER environment boosts creativity and innovation. To make service-oriented mogramming friendlier to the end users service-oriented DSLs simplify the creation and management of runtime service-oriented federations.

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Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2020-01-18.