CS 7000 Research - Syllabus
Dr. Michael Sobolewski
Office: 310 Engineering Center
Office Hours:
Weekly meeting by appointment
Phone: (806)
Advanced standing and departmental approval.
Text and Supporting Materials
The instructor may provide materials appropriate to the student's work.
Course Description
CS 7000 is designed to allow students the opportunity to investigate special
topic areas of computer science through conducting research under a professor's
CS 7000 is an exciting way to explore areas of interest that are not
typically within the realm of graduate courses. Also, the format of CS 7000 is
typically more flexible than that of regular courses allowing the student to
focus mostly on the work to be accomplished rather than on being trained to do
the work. That is why students should be at the graduate level (well trained in
computer science) before taking CS 7000.
Students may work individually or in small groups on CS 7000 work.
Expected Learning Outcomes
Ability to:
- define and investigate a specific research area.
- develop a literature review in a specific research area.
- develop a methodology to perform specific research.
- implement the methodology.
- determine conclusions and future research after implementation of the
- document the investigation.
Method Assessment
- Report (Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) written in your own words.
- The report has 5 chapters consisting of the introduction, literature
review, methodology, results, and conclusions/future research. Its
format is given below.
- Title page with the title of the study, student's name, semester, and
- The introduction should give a general overview of the research area,
lead to the research problem, describe the research problem and its
importance, describe what is to be done to investigate the problem, and give
an overview of the rest of the report.
- The literature review should contain a summary of the conference and
journal literature relevant to the research problem including past
approaches and results. All equations and methods should have complete
examples given.
- The methodology should give in detail how the research problem is to be
investigated including software, hardware, data, and experiments.
- The results should detail everything that happened in the implementation
of the methodology including deviations from the methodology.
- The conclusions/future research should give the overarching conclusions
that can be drawn from the results (not a restatement of the results) and
what future research should be conducted to continue to help solve the
research problem.
- References used in writing the report with appropriate citations made
within the report. If a reference is not cited in the report, it
should not be included here.
- The report must document the research comprehensively and be organized well, formatted neatly, grammatically
correct, understandable, and easy to read. Any parts of the report
copied from another source must be cited (reference and page number) as such
and must have permission from the source's author to include the copied
- The instructor will work with the student in the development of the
- The report should be completed before final exams begin, however,
additional time may be taken upon instructor approval.
- Other deliverables (Learning Outcomes 3, 4, 6)
- Anything used to investigate the research problem, such as software or
data files, should be included with the report.
- Weekly Progress (Learning Outcome 1, 6)
- The student must meet with the instructor a minimum of once of week.
- The instructor will work with the student in the development of the
research which must not have been previously performed or documented
- A short-term plan showing current and planned progress should be used.
Each week, the short-term plan should be filled in with hours worked for the
week and deliverables worked on during the week.
- A Web site may be given to the student to post CS 7000 materials.
Criteria for Grading
Overall grade
- Report - 50%
- Other deliverables - 5%
- Weekly Progress - 45%
- The usual grading scale will be used in the absence of a curve:
90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, 0-59 F.
- No grades are dropped.
- Late work will only be accepted within 24 hours of the due date and will be graded on a
90% basis.
- Questions about graded material:
- All questions concerning graded material must
be submitted in writing along with the graded material within one meeting period of the day the
material is returned.
- Questions will be handled on a case-by-case basis and may result in
the entire material being re-graded either higher or lower.
- Definitely notify the course
instructor if points are not added correctly to reflect the actual higher grade (do not
bother if the grade would be lower).
- Earning a higher grade:
- Extra credit work will not be given, but the instructor may give extra points for
exceptional course work. Any extra work performed by the student, however, should be done
for the student's benefit, not with the expectation of receiving extra points.
- Students with no more than two meeting absences, who consistently improve, and who show a
positive attitude may be given a letter grade higher than their actual final course grade
if they are at least within one point of the next higher grade.
Attendance Policy
- Meeting once a week with the instructor is highly recommended and usually required in
order to keep the instructor apprised of progress and to allow the instructor to comment
on the direction being taken by the student. It is extremely important for the
student to discuss all issues with the instructor that could possibly change the student's
work from what was given in the original Short-Term Project Plan. If such issues are
not discussed with the instructor, then the student could possibly be given a lower grade
for deviating from the agreed upon work. Communication is definitely a key factor!
- The course instructor must be notified in writing prior to or within 24 hours of any
absence in order to make appropriate plans with the student for making up missed meetings
or CS 7000 work. Each absence will be handled on a case-by-case basis, but if the absence
is due to reasons, such as oversleeping or neglecting to give prior notice when possible,
the student will be penalized at a minimum by grading the missed material on a 90% basis
or at a maximum by not allowing the missed material to be made up.
- Absence due to religious observance - The Texas Tech University
Catalog states that a student who is absent from classes for the
observance of a religious holy day will be allowed to take an examination or
complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after
the absence (p. 49). Notification must be made in writing and
delivered in person no later than the 15th class day of the semester.
- Absence due to officially approved trips – The Texas Tech University
Catalog states that the person responsible for a student missing class
due to a trip should notify the instructor of the departure and return
schedule in advance of the trip. The student may not be penalized and is
responsible for the material missed. (p.49)
- Whether an absence is excused or unexcused is determined solely by the
instructor with the exception of absences due to religious observance and
officially approved trips described above. The Center for Campus Life will
notify faculty, at the student’s request, when a student is absent for four
consecutive days with appropriate verification of a health related
emergency. This notification does not excuse the student from class, it is
provided as a courtesy. The service is explained as follows and can be found
on the Center for Campus Life web site at:
Illness and Death Notification
The Center for Campus Life is responsible for notifying the campus community
of student illnesses, immediate family deaths and/or student death. Generally,
in cases of student illness or immediate family deaths, the notification to the
appropriate campus community members occur when a student is absent from class
for four (4) consecutive days with appropriate verification. It is always the
student’s responsibility for missed class assignments and/or course work during
their absence. The student is encouraged to contact the faculty member
immediately regarding the absences and to provide verification afterwards. The
notification from the Center for Campus Life does not excuse a student from
class, assignments, and/or any other course requirements. The notification is
provided as a courtesy.
Academic Integrity
All work in this course shall be done in conformance with the statements made
on academic integrity in The Texas Tech University Catalog (p. 49):
- It is the aim of the faculty of Texas Tech University to foster a spirit
of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of
students to present as their own any work that they have not honestly
performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a serious offense
and renders the offenders liable to serious consequences, possibly
- "Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating,
plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic records, misrepresenting facts,
and any act designed to give unfair academic advantage to the student (such
as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same written
assignment for two courses without the prior permission of the instructor)
or the attempt to commit such an act.
- "Cheating” includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Copying from another student’s test paper.
- Using materials during a test that have not been authorized by the
person giving the test.
- Failing to comply with instructions given by the person
administering the test.
- Possessing materials during a test that are not authorized by the
person giving the test, such as class notes or specifically designed
“crib notes.” The presence of textbooks constitutes a violation only if
they have been specifically prohibited by the person administering the
- Using, buying, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or
part the contents of an unadministered test, test key, homework
solution, or computer program.
- Collaborating with or seeking aid or receiving assistance from
another student or individual during a test or in conjunction with an
assignment without authority.
- Discussing the contents of an examination with another student who
will take the examination.
- Divulging the contents of an examination, for the purpose of
preserving questions for use by another, when the instructor has
designated that the examination is not to be removed from the
examination room or not to be returned to or kept by the student.
- Substituting for another person, or permitting another person to
substitute for oneself to take a course, a test, or any course-related
- Paying or offering money or other valuable thing to, or coercing
another person to obtain an unadministered test, test key, homework
solution, or computer program, or information about an unadministered
test, test key, homework solution, or computer program.
- Falsifying research data, laboratory reports, and/or other academic
work offered for credit.
- Taking, keeping, misplacing, or damaging the property of the
university, or of another, if the student knows or reasonably should
know that an unfair academic advantage would be gained by such conduct.
- "Plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the appropriation of,
buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means material that is
attributable in whole or in part to another source, including words, ideas,
illustrations, structure, computer code, other expression and media, and
presenting that material as one’s own academic work being offered for
credit. Any student who fails to give credit for quotations or for an
essentially identical expression of material taken from books,
encyclopedias, magazines, Internet documents, reference works or from the
themes, reports, or other writings of a fellow student is guilty of
- "Collusion” includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized
collaboration with another person in preparing academic assignments offered
for credit or collaboration with another person to commit a violation of any
section of the rules on scholastic dishonesty.
Civility in the Classroom
The Texas Tech University Catalog states (p. 49): Students are
expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to
In order to assure that all students have the opportunity to gain from time
spent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are
prohibited from engaging in any other form of distraction. Inappropriate
behavior in the classroom shall result, minimally, in a request to leave class.
Students with Disabilities
Any student who because of a disability may require special arrangements in
order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as
possible to make any necessary accommodations. Student should present
appropriate verification from AccessTECH. No requirement exists that
accommodations be made prior to completion of this approved university