The Laboratory for Service-ORiented Computing EnviRonment (SORCER) is an interdisciplinary laboratory at the Computer Science Department, in Texas Tech University. Our principal goal is research in network, service, and object-centric programming and metaprogramming. We apply object-oriented techniques directly to the network, and everything on the network we treat as a service (service-orientation). SORCER brings together faculty, researchers, and students in research, development and experimentation with network objects and metacomputers (cyberspaces). Our members pursue innovations in distributed computing that will yield substantive long-term improvements in the ways that people collaborate and share network resources. SORCER strives for excellence, relevance, and social purpose. The way not to get lost, in the complexities of our own making is our basic challenge. Thus, we create self-aware and autonomic environments as a conceptually simple cyberspaces of federated network resources. These federations provide an execution environment for a new generation of interactive service-oriented programs. Thus, the computer is the cyberspace of services. The Laboratory studies and develops the next generations of the FIPER (Federated Intelligent Product EnviRonment) environment. Dr. Michael Sobolewski is the Principal Investigator. Research The Laboratory's current research falls into seven principal domains: Service-Oriented Programming, Service-Oriented Computing Environment, Service-Oriented Programming Development Tools, Service-Federated Assurance and Security, Self-Aware Service Federations, Autonomic Service Federations, and Service Federated Intergrids (Cyberspaces). Service-Oriented Programming Service-Oriented Computing Environment Service-Oriented Programming Development Tools Service-Federated Assurance and Security Self-Aware Service Federations Autonomic Service Federations Service Federated Intergrids History The SORCER Laboratory has its roots in the FIPER project founded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dr. Michael Sobolewski, a chief architect, has led this software development at GE Global Research Center. In September 2002 he joined the Computer Science Department at TTU and pursued his vision for federated grid computing with funds from GE/NIST to continue FIPER enhancements. SORCER remains committed to leading the service-oriented revolution, expanding the boundaries of today's information technology and forecasting and redefining the capabilities of the computer as the grid of network objects.