The Laboratory's current research
falls into eight principal domains: Service-Oriented Programming,
Service-Oriented Computing Environment, Service-Oriented
Programming Development Tools, Service-Federated Assurance and
Security, Self-Aware Service Federations, Autonomic Service
Federations, and Service Federated Intergrids.
Mission: To address research issues in utilizing network
objects to execute a network-centric and
reliable control strategy of metaprograms.
Mission: To develop architectural innovations by
creating infrastructure service providers to
enable federated file system, execution, provisioning, and monitoring of service-oriented
Mission: To improve service oriented programming and
software deployment by improving the methods
used to create, test, debug and monitor execution of such programs.
Mission: To study authentication, authorization,
confidentiality, accountability methodologies to
secure service-oriented environments (metacomputers).
Mission: To develop technology that facilitates
self-awareness of virtual, intelligent service federations. To build and investigate
high-performance, practical self-healing software systems for
service-federated environments.
Mission: To conduct research that combines computer science and
biology and facilitates self-management of very complex
service-federated environments.
Mission: To
integrate the federated-object-oriented services to its full potential
by developing common integrating frameworks to foster integration,
evolution of both compute grids and metacompute grids, and ensure their interoperability.
Mission: To develop a
framework and relevant generic service providers with flexible
service-oriented proxying and interactive exertion-oriented programming
for MMAO.
Computer Science
SORCER Lab Box 43104, Boston & 8th, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA
Tel: (806)-742-5851 Fax: (806) 742-3519
Email: sorcer@cs.ttu.edu